I have spent the last hour and a half sitting in front of this computer screen tap-tapping away on a post about the friendships in my life--current and past. However, as I'm typing away, all I can think about are the FUN Dallas!! pictures sitting on my computer that I really, really want to share.
And you know what? I am not feeling the serious-serious post right now. This girl just wants to have fu-un...
So, here goes!
If you have no idea what I am talking about, here's yesterday's post explaining the amazing surprise birthday trip where my friends whisked me away!
You know what they say? Don't mess with Texas! (just cracking myself up over here!) Here we are at the STATE LINE OF TEXAS, folks! With 3 former Texas girls in attendance, we HAD to stop at the State Line Information Center. And, also, because someone's husband told us they always give away FREE! Cokes! Which, sadly, they do not. But, boy did we give the sweet ladies working that afternoon a good laugh about that question. They told us, "Honey, you haf to go to Atlanta to get the free Cokes. If we gave anything away free here in Texas, it would be Dr. Pepper. But--here! Have a bumper sticker!"
Here we all are! Reunited, and it felt so nice... We're smiling, because we're about to eat handmade tortillas at Uncle Julio's. He isn't really our uncle. We just like to call him that for fun.
Here is the BEST KEPT SECRET in the pedicure world of Dallas!! You can have services done at the very lovely Aveda Institute for a fraction of regular cost! Our experience was delightful--especially at $14!!!
Our pedicurists (is that a word?) were really great. It was *interesting* talking about their different personalities and techniques afterward. What a wonderful way to start the day! ...And I have NO idea why our picture taker didn't get a shot of our cute toenails... Gonna have to dock that girl's pay...
The girls HAD told me beforehand to gather some books to take to the used book MECCA of Dallas--Half Price Books! You see that one of us took that suggestion VERY seriously. However, she was the BIG WINNER with a $30 payout! Sadly, my white bag of books paid out a measly $6. The bookstore outsmarted me, too...because I went in with a large bag of HEAVY books, and ended up paying them $1.23 to bring home a very small, very light sack of books for my daughters. But, for the low, low price of $1.23, they each received 2 fun books!
(Boy, I had a lot of STRONG feelings in that LAST paragraph, didn't I? Can you tell I LOVE using ALL CAPS to express my emotion?! I guess books just do that to me...)
A couple of my sweet friends gave me a gift certificate to Williams-Sonoma. Can you say "hallelujER"?? Yeah, I don't think those sweet friends realized how carefullyI like to spend my gift certificates (euphemism for: I am a slooooow shopper when it comes to spending money.) Here is a picture of the delightful mixing bowls I almost bought, then decided against, then almost bought again, then decided I would rather find bowls that I could use as serving pieces as well. Man, I wish I had bought them... I did, however, buy the matching measuring cups, and they just make me smile every time I pull out the drawer to peek at them again.
Well, here, I'll show you a picture...cause they are just beautiful...
And here we are right before they called security...
I sure hope the poor person who buys these washes them first....