Well, well, well...wouldn't ya know it...I was 15 minutes away from posting my cutie pie custom bulletin board project, and our internet went down.
I wish I could say this is the first time this has happened, but sadly it is not.
So here I am peck, peck, pecking away on my phone like my fingers are 3mm each!
As soon as our internet is back up, I will try to get the bulletin board project posted. Until then, I hope and pray Centurytel figures things out without a phone call from me. Because when I call, all I hear and understand is:
Blah blah. What. Blah blah blah can blah blah interstitial blah codependence; Blah blah velcro and blah blah blah sweet tea blah blah router?
And poor Centurytel person on the other end of the phone from me, because they have to repeat every 3rd sentence. "Now which cord did you ask me to unplug? Like from the wall, unplug?"
And I always use my very nicest manners, even when I want to speak harsh words to someone, because my mama taught me to catch flies with honey...Am I mixing my metaphors here? Because what the heck do flies have to do with Centurytel?
Oh yeah, I use my nicest manners possible, even when all I want to do is take a giant flyswatter to somebody's behind. (Pronounced like bee hive...bee hind)
Can I say that here?? Does that offend you, gentle reader?
In closing, I would like to thank my trusty Droid phone for hanging in there when all other technology failed me in my time of need.
And, you other high speed internet providers...get your fabulous offers ready, complete with any free stuff you've got lying around to sweeten the deal, cause I'll be calling.
And may the best service win.
And give me a smokin' deal with the fastest speed and most cool free stuff, which I am most certainly influenced by.
Please come back to see the bulletin board soon!!! Don't let Centurytel ruin all our fun!