This week I have stumbled onto 3 things I am loving right now...and I really wanted to share them with you. I especially want you to check out the first one!! Because our family CAN'T GET ENOUGH of this!!!
1. Do you like edge of your seat excitement? Good literature? Something wholesome and fun to do as a family? Well, boy howdy, do I have a deal for you! My husband is so great about being on the lookout for great cds and books to bring home for our girls. This week he hit it OUT OF THE PARK when he brought home our first (and now 2nd, soon to be 3rd) Lamplighter Theatre audio book.
Judge for yourself! - Listen to an excerpt. NO WAIT! Grab your kids, gather round, and listen together. Our whole family loves to listen to these (including our 5-year-old). I PROMISE your whole family will be HOOKED. And hooked on exciting literature, that teaches character and Biblical truth is good, right? The only problem you will have is deciding which audio set to purchase first. (By the way, they are in no way compensating me to say all of this, doggone it...I am just this excited about this product!!!)
But wait! That's not all! You will get this NEW! set of bamboo windchimes...Okay, not really...Windchimes are overrated anyway. But, good books aren't, right? Lamplighter also purchases the rights and publishes wonderful classic stories that have been out-of-print. Not only are they great books--but aren't they just beautiful? This is only a really should look at all of their amazing titles.
2. Okay, here's the 2nd favorite thing... What a FUN idea--Nesting Place Blog has sponsored a blog carnival where everyone posts a picture of her spring mantle--complete with little pics! I have LOVED seeing all the pretty ideas! While I spent waaaay too much time clicking on all of the beautiful mantle pictures, I thought to myself, "Self, this is EVEN BETTER than browsing through a decorating magazine! More pictures, more content, more personality.
3. And my current 3rd favorite thing...A post about Sisters...Oh how I love mine! One of these days I want to write a post about my sisters, and why I love 'em so very much. When I read Kristen's We are THAT Family Blog post about her fraternal twin sister, it just warmed my heart, and made me smile.
And when I read to the end of the post where she describes her sister's ties to the orphan children of Ethiopia, my heart was just overflowing. One of my dear friends' brother and family are right now serving in an orphanage in Ethiopia. As my friend tells me how her brother and his wife have either sold or left behind everything, and moved across the ocean to an orphanage in Ethiopia, the birthplace of their sweet daughter, it makes me wonder what my family's life would be like to get rid of all of the *excess* and live a deliberate life of helping others.
Well, I've already chatted on too much. Because, I really REALLY want you to go click click click now. These 3 favorite things are worthy of your time. Well, 2 are worthy...1 is just visually really fun!
What are some of your favorite things right now? I'd love to know!
Clickity click for some more FAVORITE THINGS at today's link-ups:
Favorite Things Friday at A Few of My Favorite Things
I'm Lovin' it Fridays at Tidy Mom