Oh how I love to take something unused and ugly, and turn it into something pretty and useful! We actually got this stool (for free!) from my parents' leftover garage sale stuff--but, shhh! Don't tell!
Just last week, I was able to transform an ugly, scratched up stool into a darling little stool for my daughter's desk in her brand new bedroom. If you missed the post where I showed pictures of her 10th birthday Bedroom Makeover, I'd love to show you! My daughter totally picked all of the colors and fabrics. I just helped put it all together. My daughter was the creative brains in the project...I was just the worker, the painter, the run arounder, the I'm tired from all this work and my muscles are sore from all the painting.
Oh, but back to the stool! Sorry, I just get carried away talking about her cute bedroom. Here--let me show you a picture of the ugly stool. And, I 'm sorry, but I didn't get a Before Before picture. The stool originally had black scratched up legs. I had already spray painted the legs chocolate brown when I took this picture.
I bought a piece of 2" foam at Hobby Lobby and measured it with a Sharpie around the seat.
Next, I just used a knife and vewy vewy cawefully cut out the circle outwine.
(No, I have no idea why I just turned into Elmer Fudd. It was kinda fun, though.)
Caweful! Dis knife is vewy shawp!
I used a spray adhesive on the wooden seat, and stuck (literally!) the foam on top.
Next, I turned the stool upside down, and placed the fabric under the foam. I pulled opposite sides of the fabric as tightly as I could, turned the raw edge of the fabric under, and using a staple gun, stapled that baby to the wooden seat!
Okay, you professional-type people just look away. Look away, I said! Because this is not at all perfect. But, guess what? It turned out! Turned out cute, too!!
Next, do the opposite sides--again, pulling the fabric as tightly as I could.
Now, all that's left are the corners. The corners are the tricky part, since you have to fold / pleat the fabric a bit. Just play with it to see what works best. Mine is not perfect at all--but it still turned out just fine.
Drum roll...Would you like to see the finished product?
My daughter calls it her little mushroom stool. It really does look like a little mushroom, doesn't it? A cute mushroom...that fits right into the polka dot theme of the room.
Okay, I know this isn't a difficult recovering job on the Professional Scale of Furniture Recoverer's, commonly known as the PSFR Scale (not really, but it sounds good)...but I am a little PROUD of this project. I LOVE that we used something we were getting rid of because it was ugly and scratched up, and turned it into something CUTE and USEFUL!
Please please check back next week...Because I can hardly contain my excitement to show you the oversize custom bulletin board we've created for over our daughter's desk!!! Oh my--it looks really cute--and one-of-a-kind unique so far! We just have to attach the frame, and it will be complete.
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