I feel like I have been wras'lin (how we say it down South) with that dang bulletin board for weeks now...
Excuse me just a moment while I check my attitude...
Due to unforeseen circumstances outside my control, the beautiful custom Pottery Barn-inspired bulletin board project has exceeded its deadline.
(In case you missed the post where I explained how I made the bulletin board, click here.)
But, I am pleased to announce the above-mentioned bulletin board is UP, and it is OPEN FOR BUSINESS, PEOPLE!!!
Can I get an AMEN?
How 'bout a Hallelujah, pass the chicken!
So, without further adieu, I'd like to present--NOW HANGING ON THE WALL--the
Pottery Barn-inspired
Happy and Colorful
Bulletin board for my daughter's bedroom:
WAAAAIT!!!! First, I need to show you the BEFORE picture. You know--before the 10th birthday room makeover.
And now...the AFTER!!!
Ahh, that just makes my heart sing a little ditty. What a drastic difference, huh? So--WHAT do you think of the bulletin board...finally hanging in its rightful place?
Here's a little closer view:
Hmm...I'm not sure that is actually any closer, or just a different vantage point...
Do you see the clear vinyl desk blotter? Note to self: Self, call and get an estimate for a piece of glass cut the size of the desk-top. Why didn't I do that when we bought the desk? Already, there are a few stray Sharpie marks... A piece of glass will protect the desk beautifully!
Oh, but back to the bulletin board area...Didn't it turn out well? Here are a couple of fun elements on the desk closer up:
All this old, tarnished picture frame needed was a little love...and some apple green SPRAY PAINT! Don't worry about polishing the silver, just spray it, baby! Isn't it a cutie pie now?
Organization? We've got organization...in the form of Mason jars!! I love getting organized with things just lying around the house. (I mean--these jars weren't technically "lying around my house"...they were in my kitchen cupboard.)
Before I say "the end," would you like to see a little PEEP of some exciting things to come??? (I'm sorry, but I prefer saying "peep." So, I'll say "peep," okay? Peep, peep, peep. You might think I'm done...but then you don't really know me, do you? Peep, peepity peepity peep peep peep.)
An OLD DOOR? At a CAR WASH? What in the WORLD???
That handsome arm belongs to my handsome husband. That not-so-handsome door came from my husband's family farm in South Dakota. (Hi, Grandma and Grandpa!!! Sure hope you don't need that door back! Don't worry--come winter, we'll replace the cardboard with something a little more permanent...)
Actually, I DO think the door is handsome! I can see its inner beauty--and its POTENTIAL!!!
Guess where it is going (said in a SQUEALY VOICE) when it is all cleaned up???
Remember a loooong time ago, before all the 10th birthday room makeover business, there was ANOTHER BEDROOM getting a makeover?
Well, guess who found a headboard? That has been waiting patiently in her basement all this time???
And NOW, I'll say:
(no, not PEEP again...)
The end. Goodnight, good people.
Linked up with:
Metamorphosis Monday at Between Naps on the Porch
DIY Project Parade at DIY Showoff
DIY Day at A Soft Place to Land
Toot Your Horn Tuesday at A Silly Little Sparrow
Tip Me Tuesday at Tip Junkie
Show and Tell Friday at My Romantic Home
Frugalicious Friday at Finding Fabulous
Sunday Showcase Party at Under the Table and Dreaming