Happy Weekend, bloggie friends! First of all, a HUGE THANK YOU for those of you that participated in my Favorite Things Giveaway!!! Seriously, it just warmed my heart with all of your very kind comments. Thank you, really.
Can you feel your brain slowing down for summer yet? Now that school's out (academy, preschool, and homeschooling!!), and all the extra-curricular classes have ended, my brain has definitely clicked down a few gears. I know that we were too busy this year...and I plan to make some positive changes for our family this fall. But, for now--we are going to ENJOY summer's slower pace!
In celebration of summer, I have included some FUN SUMMER-ish LINKS below! Enjoy!!
I found some really cool ideas for sweet gifts--my favorite kind!! I have to give credit to a tweet by Organizing Junkie for the find, though!
How about some adorable Fakesicles! Wouldn't these be the coolest summer party favors? I haven't ever noticed individual popsicle molds in the store, have you? But, I've never really looked for them...I will now!
Do you have any friends or family who have birthdays this summer, but live far away? Why not send them a cupcake in the mail? I LOVE LOVE this idea!!!
Summer picnics? Barbeques? Make sure you have a great cooler to take to these events. Do you have an old, sad, faded cooler that has seen better days? I LOVE this idea at House of Hepworths. Click to see how you can have a Cooler Cooler! (I'm not sure I'd go to all the trouble of hand-painting my name...I think I'd have to order some Uppercase Living vinyl letters...and embellishments!!) While you're on HoH's site, check out her posts--and pics--of attending the American Idol FINALE!!!
Would you like a summer project with your kids that DOES SOME GOOD? Oh, how I LOVE this idea!!! Using pillowcases to dress the poor. I can hardly look at the picture of these dear, dear little girls without both smiling and tearing up.
Now, go click the air conditioner down a degree, remove your sassy flip flops, prop up your feet, and enjoy some bon bons...cause the weekend's here!!!