Oh my, I am just cracking myself up! Just yesterday my husband asked me what was "My baby daddy" that I wrote at the very end of yesterday's post. Since I am such an expert in urban lingo, I had to explain to him that "my baby daddy" is actually HIM...as in "my baby's daddy."
In celebration of Father's Day Weekend, I would like to dedicate this post to honoring my baby daddy!!!
Let's start at the very beginning...A very good place to start... Welcome to the Day Dave became a Daddy! From the very beginning that little baby girl stole her daddy's heart.
(And just in case you're wondering...why, yes, those are overalls. And, no, he is not a farmer!)
I remember when I was pregnant with our first daughter, Dave suddenly got a very serious expression on his face. I asked him what was the matter, and he replied solemnly, "I am going to have to kill some guy someday...and then I'll probably end up in prison." Poor Dave--2 daughters to have to fight off potential suitors of his precious daughters. Maybe I should be saying, "Poor potential suitors." Because I'm not sure any young man will measure up to his little princesses!
Dave is such a wonderful daddy. Our girls have learned that their dad is FUN and full of adventure. They have learned he has lots of fun surprises up his sleeves.
But, their daddy is so much more than just fun... He is very deliberate about their spiritual and character educations. It is only because of him that our girls know so many scripture verses. I love listening to their bedtime game--One of them will say the first word of a familiar verse, and they each take a turn saying the next word of the verse, until the end. They've gotten really good at this game, and can FLY through a verse--each saying one word at a time.
Our family also owns every single Veggie Tale movie, and many other character-building movies and books--all because Dave spends time picking out the kind of positive entertainment he wants our girls to spend time watching and reading.
I really love how secure our daughters are growing up...secure in knowing their daddy adores them!
Happy Father's Day, Dave! I am so proud to be married to you, and together raising these girls of ours!
I leave you with this little song, a song my girls love listening to over and over again, thinking about their daddy dancing with them...