A little 80s musical flashback there for your enjoyment. My friend Carissa probably just fell out of her chair, because I do not know music lyrics, nor titles. Carissa--are you okay? Did ya bruise anything??
Actually, I cannot tell a lie. My friend Bill, aka "Wild Bill" just supplied me with the 80s reference. Which is amazing--because I believe he was born in the 80s...maybe even the mid-80s. But, it just goes to show you that a great decade and all its accouterments is appreciated by many.
I have no idea if "accouterments" is used correctly there, but it sure does fancy up that sentence, doesn't it? And if I'm aiming for anything here--it is definitely fancy.
So, now that I have written exactly 3 paragraphs that have nothing whatsoever to do with my topic today...maybe I should get to the point, right? However, I do hope that in some small way you have been entertained in those paragraphs. Because, like a small lap dog, I do hope to entertain and sometimes receive a little pat on the head. Also, I would like a diamond choker...but those are reserved for lap dogs of...say, Paris Hilton...and I am pretty sure I don't want to be her lap dog, diamond choker or not.
Well, now make that 4 paragraphs. Without further adieu... *clearing throat* *clearing throat again, and coughing a little* *taking a sip of water*
Man, is it HOT or WHAT??? I don't know where you live, and if I did, that would be sort-of creepy in a stalkerish way... But where I live in Missouri, it is seriously HOT. Like, check on your neighbors to make sure they're okay kind of hot.
Look, I RECORDED how hot it was today--in case you didn't believe me when I told you. Now, if any nice law enforcement agents are reading my blog today, please know that I was observing the laws of traffic as I snapped this little pic. I know there's that little church sign picture going around the internet about texting if you want to meet God... Does snapping a picture count? Because it was NOT with my phone. I promise. It was with my camera.
Want to know how my girls decided to cool off this afternoon? Well, besides the MEDIUM Sonic Coke slushes they ordered. (Hey! They're little--they don't need larges!) Driving out to our summer camp late this afternoon, on a pit stop--remember, they had Coke slushes--this is how Sara Beth cooled off...
She said the breeze felt nice. A little loud, but nice nonetheless. Oh, and please ignore the Coke slush stains down the front of her shirt. I promise I had her change shirts right away...Okay, she changed shirts at bedtime, if you must know the truth. But, she did go to bed in some nice, clean pajamas!
WARNING: Do not try this at home...or at a nasty gas station bathroom...Unless you want to have some really CRAZY, and TANGLY HAIR...
I must admit...she was kind of very proud of her new hairdo. Referring back to those fabulous 80s again, but she did have some very nice hair height going on. Cyndi Lauper would be proud.
In closing, I thought I would do a nice little Public Service, and leave you with some photos that might help cool you off a bit. If not in reality, then in the figment of your imagination...
I give you Christmas 2009 pictures...Any of you Midwesterners remember this? South Dakotans, remember? We sure do! We'll never forget our visit to our South Dakota grandparents...
It was FUN to play in thigh-high snow...for about 15 minutes. Then, it was just DANG COLD. (2nd time I've said "dang" in this post...interesting) This was the kind of cold that makes you angry. Or, at least it made me angry...even though I am smiling here. I think this was in the first 15 minutes. After this picture, I tried to make it back to the house. I fell about 257 times on the way there, and was sweating and freezing at the same time. Strange.
Ah, but what I wouldn't give for a SNOW CAVE today in this HEAT!!! Can't you imagine how FAST you would cool off in that lovely snow cave?
Hmm...I bet there are some mathematicians out there that could actually figure that out. Here is the equation: If it is 100 degrees, how fast would a person cool off in 23 below 0 temperatures...that is, NEGATIVE 23...See:
Since I don't have the slightest inclination to answer that math problem, here is my answer:
The end.