You people must know by now that I am HUGELY PATRIOTIC and loooove in honor of our country's birthday, I want to offer a 4th of July Trivia Quiz!!!! Who Hoo!! Three cheers for America, and three cheers for MarytheKay! (Sorry to toot my own horn there, tootly toot.)
Also, I wonder if you have figured out about me that I have lots of great ideas--ALWAYS at the last minute. Like this. This 4th of July Quiz is a great idea that I thought of...RIGHT NOW. Which means I have no AmAZinG and WoNDeRfUL prize selected yet. But, I can promise you this: It will be a selection of some of my favorite things, and they will add up to at least $30. (I'm no Pioneer Woman, you know!) I mean--HOW can you resist THAT PRIZE??? Plus, just the suspense of waiting to find out the prize ought to get you motivated to take this quiz...right?
So, here are the details:
1. Take the quiz,
2. Submit your answers in the Comments section below (I will hold all of the Comments until the contest is over, so that there is no peeking! I do hope this works...I am NEW to holding/hiding the comments!)
3. AND sign on as a Follower. Please do not forget to sign on as a FOLLOWER (right-hand column, halfway down, just below the teeeny tiny picture of me)
4. Quiz ends Monday, July 5th at NOON, Central Time.
5. Winner and his/her fabulous prizes will be announced Tuesday, July 6th, and must e-mail me by Friday, July 9th to claim the fabulous prize.
You must, you must, you must (finish that saying from a tween book of my youth...) complete #1, #2, AND #3 to be properly entered into the contest. Anyone improperly entered will not be entered at all...they will be improperly tossed out upon their....Well, they'll be disqualified.
THE WINNER will be RANDOMLY selected, but must get 100% of the answers correct. That's right--you can Google and study all you want for this quiz... But, it does end, and comments will close MONDAY, July 5th at NOON Central Time!!!
Enough already! On with the QUIZ!!!
1. Why was the date July 4th chosen as our country's birthday?
2. What 3 presidents died on July 4th?
3. Which 2 presidents died on July 4th--the SAME YEAR? (I LOVE this fact, and the amazing "story" behind it! Talk about true patriots!)
4. In whose handwriting is the published copy of Declaration of Independence written?
5. How many stripes are currently on the American flag?
6. How many stars are currently on the American flag?
7. Who sewed the first American flag?
8. What is America's official motto?
9. What is the name of America's National Anthem?
10. What bird did Benjamin Franklin want to choose, instead of the Bald Eagle?
11. Of all the U.S. presidents, who is your favorite? (If I don't like your answer, you lose! Okay, you know I'm kidding! I just think it will be interesting to see what everyone says. I think I know what you will say...let's see if I'm right!)
Good luck and God Bless America!!!
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