Now that school and extra activities are in full-swing, are you as out-of-breath as I am? Wow. I always say we're going to do less...but somehow, here we are busy again.
Just last night I made a really quick--and healthy--dinner for our family. That's a DOUBLE score!! I thought I'd share the idea with you, with the hope that you'll share some quick and healthy ideas with ME!
Here's an extra hint, for no extra charge: I keep these ingredients on hand at all times. That way, if I am on the computer too long one day cleaning toilets too long one day, I can whip out this meal in no time flat! And, cha-ching, it looks like I PLANNED this meal ahead of time...instead of threw it together last-minute.
Oh, you actually want to know WHAT the meal is??? Silly me. I do get carried away, sometimes.
May I present to you, the Cheffiest of all Chefs, the Chef Salad:
Now, if your husband is like mine, and likes to quote the old lady at Wendy's, "Where's the beef?" then, let me assure you--this salad is much more CHEF than SALAD. I'm not sure the picture does it justice.
Here are the ingredients I keep on hand at all times to make this heavy-on-the-protein salad:
Bag 'o salad
Baby carrots (slice them for salads)
Tomatoes (I prefer the ease of grape or cherry tomatoes)
Cucumbers (if you like, and I do!)
Sharp cheddar cheese (please not the shreds--block is much better!)
Turkey/Ham sandwich meat
Boiled eggs (the only "cooking" to do for this meal)
Bacon (okay, cook the bacon, too!)
The trick to making this salad appealing to the men in your house, is to make it heavy on the protein, and really pile it in an oversize bowl or plate. I start by boiling eggs. I boil 2 eggs/person. I also slice my sharp cheddar in nice, thick pieces--and then slice crosswise fat matchstick-like pieces. The fat cheese makes the salad so much yummier and heavier than those measly little shreds. I also cut (or tear) big chunks of sandwich turkey or ham. Remember--it's the meat in the salad that keeps the men-folk happy. (I didn't have any bacon on hand last night, so I just put on extra turkey and cheese to make up for it.)
Picky eaters?
No problem! I have one of those, too! What I did for her last night was made a plate filled with little "bites." I rolled up small pieces of turkey, and fastened with a toothpick. I don't know what it is--but the toothpick makes most cuts of meat more appealing for my picky eater! I also made a little pile of cheese matchsticks, carrot slices, 1 slice of cucumber for her to try, iceberg lettuce (she likes the white stuff), and topped it off with a boiled egg! She was very happy with her toothpick-eating meal!
Okay, so you've made a Cheffy Chef Salad, and also a toothpick plate of yummies for your picky eater... Want another secret to really AMP THINGS UP ANOTHER NOTCH?
First of all, I need to know if you like Thousand Island dressing? If you cannot stand the sight of it, then LOOK AWAY! Do not read on, unless you want to get totally grossed out (my daughter's words. Yep, she doesn't like Thousand Island.)
Did you know you can MAKE Thousand Island dressing at home? Oh, yes you can! Growing up, my mom always made homemade Thousand Island whenever we had chef salads for dinner. (Thanks, Mom!)
Here is the centuries-old, super-secret recipe:
Now, STOP JUDGING--I promise it's YUMMY!
This recipe is so super-secret, that I don't even have quantities for you. Just a big spoonful of each'll do the trick (Ketchup, Miracle Whip, and sweet relish). Mix her up, stick in your finger for a little taste-test, and add more of whatever you think. It's that easy! After making Thousand Island yourself--you will never again go back to the stuff in the jar!
Want to see the salad all dressed up and ready to go? Here she is!