Everyone needs extra money at Christmas, right? Today, I thought I'd share a few tips our family has used to help us save thousands and thousands of dollars every December.
What? You don't believe me??? Rude.
Okay, so maybe not thousands and thousands of dollars. But, if I were the kind of girl that could add and subtract in her head, well then I could TOTALLY tell you how much money we're saving. But, since my pretty little head cannot be bothered with stuff like numbers, I'll just tell you that SURELY we're saving some money using these strategies. Surely.
Cause, if we are not saving money...What the HECK is going on???? I mean, I know Starbucks Peppermint Mochas are not free...But, a girl does need to feel festive now and then, doesn't she? And with all the running around--especially during Happy Hour--a girl needs something to quench her thirst now and then at the Sonic...
Oh, but WAIT. I am going to tell you about SAVING money, right? Okay, here goes.
1. Stop going to the grocery. Heck, I can't get out of Walmart without spending at least $150 on groceries. If I stop going, that's at least $300 a month I can save right away! PLUS, you get the added benefit of using creativity to feed people. AND your kids get to practice gratefulness. Do they complain that the "(Mesquite) turkey tasted funny, so I didn't eat my sandwich today"?? Well, tomorrow, send a BUTTER sandwich. Double win--cause Mama ate the last of the turkey.
(Oh, and guess what? Sara Beth ate her butter sandwich today, oh yes, she did! Score 1 for Mama, saver of money extraordinaire.)
Here's a shot of my fridge after about 2 weeks of no groceries:
I double dog dare ya to try to make a meal out of this fridge! Like I said--creativity!!!
2. Go super spiritual / or super let's-save-the-world philanthropic. Use the old, "I feel like we all have everything we need. Let's not exchange gifts this year, and send that money to our favorite charity." Oh, you KNOW I am talking to YOU. I cannot tell you how many times I have heard people use this excuse to stop exchanging gifts. But, we know the truth, don't we? If I don't give you a gift, that's $30, and $30 for your husband...that's $60 mad money I can squander at Hobby Lobby AND on those irresistible peppermint shakes at Chick-Fil-A!!! Hobby Lobby--Christian company. Chick-Fil-A--Christian company. That's TWO CHARITIES, people. Count 'em.
3. Getting to say "NO" to every single request for every single everything from your kids. I know I should train my kids better not to ask for every little bauble at Walmart and Target, but maybe they're like their mama... "Hey, girls--look at this precious scarf, ohmywouldyoucheckoutthispurse!!!!! Oh I love that necklace, but wouldn't these shoes be perfect???" So, okay, I admit. My girls appreciate a shopping experience. Especially as they envision how PERFECT each new toy would look in their rooms, and mama, I just HAVE to have the newest Littlest Petshop/Silly Bandz/glittery whatever/retiring American Girl Doll... Oh, I exaggerate just a tad. But, during the month--nah, TWO MONTHS before Christmas, Mama gets to answer EVERY. SINGLE. QUESTION. for more stuff with the very appropriate, and in my favorite Mama singsong voice, "Oh, but you have to wait for Christmas!!" And you can totally answer that way, even if you never plan to purchase that stupid little plastic pink glitter hair brush. Cause in the Mom Code Book it clearly states that "It is completely acceptable to offer lots of ambiguous answers during the month of December."
Well, there ya have it. You're welcome. May I make one teeny tiny request? When you start saving those thousands of dollars from my totally awesome money saving tips, would you send some $20 bills my way? I figure it's the least you can do.
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