My mom, my girls, my sister, her daughter and mother-in-law, and I (did you get all that??? Basically, all of us GIRLS) were GIDDY with excitement over going to this:
The Little House on the Prairie Musical!
Well...I must admit...I think I was the giddiest of all. I don't think I could stop grinning all night long.
Well, except for when Melissa Gilbert--but she'll always be "Laura" to me--first stepped onto stage. And, then, I couldn't help it. My eyes just started filling with tears. I was embarrassed to be such a big goober. But, I really couldn't help it. My sister and I grew up watching every. single. episode. of Little House on the Prairie. Little House was a meaningful part of our childhood. I mean--my sister, Mom, and I cried together during every episode. (My brother might have cried once, but he'd deny it...)
But, I think my eyes filled with tears that night a year ago also because of gratefulness. I was just so grateful that my 2 daughters were getting to share this amazing experience with me. Because, my husband and I have raised 'em right--our girls have also seen every single episode of Little House on the Prairie! Well...not quite every episode. I mean, I have shielded them from the ones that have themes that are still a little mature for them. Hello--of course they haven't seen the clown one! Heck, I wish I hadn't seen the clown one. And I know my sister feels the same way! To this day, I don't trust a clown. (My deepest apologies to all of my clown readers. And I know there are hundreds of you.)
The Little House on the Prairie Musical played all over the United States last year, and I'm sad to say, is not currently playing... Did any of you have the chance to see it? Our whole group thought it was just wonderful! We felt Melissa Gilbert did a fantastic job as Ma, but that Kara Lindsay, who played Laura, stole the show!
After the show, a very kind theatre worker told us we just might want to wait around the back of the the back entrance...
So, we waited. In the 15 degree frosty temperatures.
But, it was TOTALLY WORTH IT!!!!
See why?
Oh. Yes. Mam. It. Sure. Is!!!!!!
(I'm sorry. I might not be so star-struck by any present-day A-listers... But, my childhood HERO? Yep, star struck indeed!)
"Laura" was just so kind to take the time--in the freezing temperatures--to sign our daughters' playbills. My sister and I kept looking at each other like, "Seriously? Laura! She's right HERE. Right here WITH US!!! It's Laura, and we're like, hanging out!! Practically!!"
(My sister and I can communicate a lot with just a look.)
And now, our daughters have inherited our love of all things Little House. I love it when life comes full circle.
Don't you?