This was a question that Mama Kat asked on her blog this week, and as I started thinking about it, I realized how many ways social media has changed me...
(If you ask yourself the question, "What is social media?" then rest assured, it has not changed you much. And, that's probably a good thing, if you ask me!)
What about you? Have you thought recently how much Facebook, Twitter, smart phones, and blogs have changed the way you live? I'd love to hear what you think! Do you recognize yourself in any of these?
TOP 10 Ways Social Media Has Changed Me:
1. I never have to have a free moment to daydream ever again. Nope, I've got my trusty Droid phone at my side 24/7 to fill in every millisecond of dead space.
2. I never had imaginary friends growing up. But, as a 40-year-old adult, I sure do! Oh yeah, Ree and Big Mama are totally my best friends! Oh, I e-mail them and tweet them like we are BFFs. If only I had their cell numbers, I am quite sure I would be texting them from Target, too! Clearance aisle, hello!
3. I know what 27% of America is eating for lunch on any given day.
4. I don't have to wonder about whatever happened to my high school--and elementary!--friends ever again. Instead, now I get to know what they thought about last night's American Idol and also who had a bad day at work.
5. I find myself reading about total strangers on Twitter, instead of reading the newspaper. I find Twitter a much happier world.
6. I fix my hair and wear make-up more often--even when just hanging out at a friend's house. I never know when a picture might show up on Facebook for all of eternity.
7. Growing up, I passed notes to friends in church. Now, I text.
8. I take my camera everywhere. I am always 1 great picture away from an awesome post.
9. In the past, when good friends had a lull in conversation over lunch, they simply looked at each other and smiled, or asked an interesting question. Now, we pull out our phones "just to check real quick."
10. I find myself experiencing life in increments of 140 words or less. honor of this post, I shall now watch The Social Network. I just *thought* you'd like to know! Oh, and I had pizza for lunch.
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