(Winner announced at the end...stay with me!)
Our family got an early start on Valentine's Day yesterday...
Dave invited his girls (yes, I am included in "his girls" *grin*) to a special Valentine's Day surprise... Lunch
And tickets to see the musical Beauty and the Beast with a group of neighborhood friends!!!
When we got home, we baked some special cupcake cones for the girls' Valentine parties tomorrow!! Thanks to House of Hepworths for the wonderful tutorial!!
Do you see the itty bitty cone? Isn't it just precious?? Guess what? This was the first time we've ever made cupcake cones, and we didn't fill many of the cones with enough batter. So--what did we do with the stubby little cones? We CUT OFF THEIR HEADS, we did! Okay, so we cut off their tops (gently, with a serrated knife), to create MINI CONES!! So, the big cones go to big sister's 5th grade class, and the itty bitty cuties go to little sister's Kindergarten class!
Don't you love it when mistakes turn out even cuter than planned?
And after the girls went to bed...Somebody sneaked into our kitchen and set a pretty Valentine's Breakfast table!!!
These aren't large gifts. The surprise outing with Daddy to lunch and the musical was way more than we typically do at Valentine's... But, there's just something special about waking up on Valentine's morning to find a pretty table set with little goodies! See, I know...because my mom always had special goodies and a pretty table on Valentine's morning (Thanks, Mom!! You always made holidays special!)
You know what? I have always LOVED Valentine's Day. I'm sure some of that was because my mom always made it a special day, and I'm sure having a birthday so close made it extra-exciting, too.
However...I know that Valentine's Day can be a disappointing day sometimes. It can be a day of un-met expectations or a day of missing a loved one. We girls watch romance movies filled with magical moments--perfect moments--when the guy lavishes upon his one true love sparkly jewelry (on loan from the props department), exquisite flowers (no Walmart has ever seen the likes of), and poetry-filled words that, frankly, only female screenwriters could conjure up!
We girls set ourselves up for disappointment watching this kind of stuff! Now, I'm not saying I am banning those kinds of movies. Uh uhn. I don't care if I'm contradicting myself. I like getting lost in those kinds of movies!
But, what I am saying is that for the most part, Valentine's Day is overrated. Don't get me wrong--I LOVE doing little things for my loved ones to help them feel special today!
But, just today, I was thinking about the One who never fails me, no matter the holiday. The One who gives me gifts so wonderful that it takes my breath away. The One who loves me more than anyone in the whole world. Today, I hope to think about that Valentine. I want to take some time to stop and remember all of the kind things He has done for me. Even the little things. Because sometimes, on a difficult or dreary day, it's the small things that make me smile, make me feel loved.
What about you? Do you ever think about God being your one true Valentine? Are there some kind things He's done for you that make you smile today?
Oh, you want to hear about the GIVEAWAY?
You want to know the WINNER?????
Are you sure???
First of all--THANK YOU to all who played along and entered! Oh how I wish I had Oprah's money, because I would give the prize to EACH one of you! Really, I would! I also would have my own television network, a yacht, and a maid, too. But, that's beside the point...
But, back to the winner!
Drum roll...
According to Random.org, (which I cannot for the life of me figure out how to insert the little widget)
The winner of my 1-year Blogaversary is...
Abi'!!! Congratulations, Abi'!!!!
Abi' said...
I LOVE reading this little blog of yours! I am a follower. Have been forever...
Please e-mail me your mailing address, and I will ship you the goods!! I would LOVE to post a picture of you rocking the Why Hug t-shirt and cute scarf, hint hint! And please enjoy the Gummi Bears...it took a lot of willpower not to eat those suckers!
Remember--there is also a Sonic $10 Gift Card Giveaway!!!
And, that winner is...
Drum roll...
Congratulations, Erin!!!
Erin said...
I have never worked so hard for a giveaway and now you want to know my favorite blog posts. That is a hard one. I love your posts about your daughters. They always bring a tears to my eyes. I also love to read your gift idea posts. And your post about painting your toe nails made me feel normal or at least in good company if only for a little while. :)
Happy Blog Anniversary! I have enjoyed reading it.
Erin, I hope you enjoy SEVERAL blissful Happy Hours!! I'm not trying to be bossy, but I think you should order a large cherry Coke, extra ice. It's my current favorite! If you want to send a picture with your favorite Sonic Happy Hour drink--I would love to post it here...hint hint...
Again--THANK YOU to all who played along!