First of all, if you are waiting on the edge of your seat for the recipes for strawberry cake--and the strawberry icing so good you'll CRY... Well, is there any way you'll extend me a free pass and let me post that next week? Oh, pretty pretty please??? It's just that I have to sew some quilts for children who don't have any--plus, I am also cooking meals to take to 5 families in the hospital. Also, I am reading War and Peace to my children, and we are only on chapter MCXVII.
Oh, ALL RIGHT. Have it YOUR WAY. I admit. I just want to lie in bed and watch some television. But, I promise--it's really good t.v. Meaningful, life-changing Parenthood, if you're so nosy to know.
But, still. I promise to post the strawberry deliciousness recipes next week!!! IF, for ANY reason, you MUST have that recipe this weekend or you'll DIE--e-mail me and I will help you out. Honest. make up for not posting the recipes like I promised earlier this week, I will post an unflattering picture of myself. From high school. Where I--honest to goodness--Match. My. Bedroom.
I am not even sure if I realized it at the time. I just think this PHASE of my life could be entitled:
The Mauve and Teal Phase.
Those two colors were like baby angels playing miniature harps in both my ears.
Teal green curtains with mauve flowers? Check
Mauve chintz rocking chair? Check
Mauve silk flowers? Check
Teal green bedspread? Check
Teal green CARPET? Oh yes, CHECK.
And...for the Campfire Christmas formal, when Darren bought me a pink silk rosebud corsage... Check. Check. Check.
Oh yes. Yes, those ARE mauve shoes. Mauve leather shoes. Currently unavailable in today's market. But in 1986? Available in dozens of styles.
Young girls of today: That stylish haircut of 1986 was called a bi-level. In today's terms, it could be referred to as a mullet. But, a soft, lovely mullet, don't you think?