This weekend I was getting excited about walking in the MS Walk in honor of my dear friend Carissa. (That's her in the picture in the right column punching my arm.) Afterward, many of us were getting together to celebrate at a fun brunch. I sure do love my friend Carissa, and I sure do HATE what MS does to so many dear people. The yearly Walk is a way to help raise awareness and funds to help find the CURE. I don't usually ask for money here...but if you know someone with MS, or if you would like to help out--here's a simple way to do that!
Did you notice that I said I was going to do the MS Walk... Well, I've had some unexpected weekend plans, and will be joining with some dear friends to do a different kind of a walk... A we-want-to-walk-beside-you kind of walk.
I told you earlier in the week that my dear friend was heading home because her dad was dying. Well, tomorrow, several of our girlfriends are loading up and driving to her hometown. We know Jenn will be busy with family, and busy greeting and visiting with the many, many people who loved her dad. But, we couldn't not go. Dear friends need to walk through these things together. Even if we get very little time to hug her neck, whisper loving words or funny words into her ear, she'll know we're there. Through thick or thin, true friends are THERE. Filling in the gaps, picking up the slack, loving on each other's kids, cooking a dinner, picking up a carpool, listening on the phone, giving a knowing smile, driving to a funeral.
Friends don't ask many questions in these times. They go. They do. They love.
(If you think about it, I know Jenn and her kids--and whole family would really LOVE your prayers for peace. They've lost a dear daddy, a husband, a grandaddy, a friend. Thank you.)