I have it on my blog to-do list to create a Bloggy Love section. I love seeing these on blogs I regularly read--and use those lists regularly as a way to keep up with certain blogs.
I read lots of blogs regularly--and love how I can keep up with friends near and far by reading their blogs. Also, I love that I have gained some new friendships through these blogs!
So, since I haven't created a Bloggy Love section yet, I thought it would be fun to post a list of these blogs I regularly read--all written by friends of mine. Real-life friends, and friends I have only met in the bloggy cyberspace!
The Life and Times of Carissalil I've probably read this blog longer than any other. This is the first blog written by a friend, and a very dear one at that! Her transparency continues to inspire me, and even though she doesn't believe me, I do like to live a little vicariously through her fun adventures and pictures. You can't help yourself--you just love her through her blog! And if you have the pleasure of knowing her in real life, you love her even more!
Our Days in Pictures I couldn't love this blog writer, or the subjects in her pictures any more! This is how my friend Dawn "scrapbooks" now--she uploads pictures of her kids to this blog, and writes little captions. Now, I'm kind of partial to her boys, but her pictures and captions ALWAYS make me smile. The simple way she uploads pictures and writes little captions is pure genius to me. I wish I did this more.
Hollywood Housewife I've been a big fan of this blog, and this girl, even before either was Hollywood. Laura and I go way back to summer camp days... And really, I knew her big sister before I knew her. If you don't read her blog, you should. Her down-to-earth voice rings through all of her writing. You will laugh, learn, be inspired, and entertained all at the same time!
Snot and Kisses That's quite a name for a blog, isn't it? But, I LOVE it. I love the meaning behind it, and I love the girl behind the blog. Especially since she just wrote an entire post about cake frosting. That is MY kind of girl. She's funny, and yet can write posts that are so real and vulnerable that I think about her words for days.
The Atkins Adventure This blog is written by our first-ever babysitter. We were very over-protective parents in the beginning (some of you are snickering, I know), and Miss Amy was the perfect first babysitter to prove that, yes, we could leave our baby and she would be fine when we returned! We are charter members of the Miss Amy Fan Club!
Itches and Scratches Another adorable name for a blog, isn't it? This is such a fun blog! I love that Shelley is real, and tells her real stories of raising kids on her blog. I love reading her blog just as much as I always love being around her in real life. Some people are just refreshing to be around.
Janna Goodwin Photography Okay, so not a typical bloggy blog. But, guess what? There is nothing typical about her pictures. Her pictures are GORGEOUS. And I am not even exaggerating. She just has a magical talent in capturing people at the perfect moment. And the color in her photos? Pure perfection. Go on--don't take my word--take a look and see for yourself!
Plus, she's just FUN on a photo shoot. Who can argue with fun?
At the End of the Bend I don't get to see this friend nearly enough, and yet she is a neighbor! Every time I am around her, I think, "I really, really like her!" Plus, I just have a soft spot in my heart for her 4 sons. If you read her blog for long, you will see what I mean. The stories she writes about her boys and their family life are just priceless. I always leave her blog with a big smile on my face!
My Message to You My friend Loralea started this blog not too long ago, and WOW, can that girl write! Practically every one of her posts blows me away. And I am not even exaggerating. I have a feeling Loralea will be writing a book or hitting the speaking circuit before long. I just hope she remembers us little people...
Baby Dolls and Soccer Balls The name says it all! This is a busy mama of 4...2 of which are toddler twin boys. I love seeing her beautiful pictures, sometimes of her crazy life organizing a busy life with little ones. She's always got a funny story about her kids, and often posts yummy recipes!
The Track Blog Seriously, I have the coolest friends! My friend Amy just started writing "A Mom with the Inside Track" blog for the Branson Tracks. Tracks? What kind of Tracks, you ask? Think Go-Karts on sterriods, and you'll know what kind of Tracks I'm talking about. Want to know about cool stuff to do in Branson? Read this blog!
Now these are my Bloggy internet friends...or my *said in a whisper* pretend friends...
Linus and LuLu Well, you just have to click on this blog...It just had one of the most adorable designs EVER. It kind of makes me jealous. When I saw that Tracey loves cold Coca-Cola as much as I do, I just knew we were kindred spirits. She's so great, she makes me wish we were neighbors.
Looking UP Amid the Chaos Carrie leaves the BEST comments on my blog! Her comments make me laugh, and make me feel like I have a new best friend! I love her blog--especially when she talks about her class.
Big Mama I don't think Melanie (aka, Big Mama) knows that I am one of her really good friends yet... But, when she does discover this, I just know we will be texting and chatting all the time. Big Mama makes me laugh every single day. And that is no lie.
Pioneer Woman I know you are thinking--"Why does Pioneer Woman need to be on SOMEONE ELSE'S Blogroll?" Well, I will tell you why: She is just good people. And good people deserve to be known. The end.
We are THAT Family The name alone says it all. I really love all of Kristen's funny stories about her funny family. But, what draws me most to her blog is her HEART. She has a heart for loving others and loving God. Also, she shares her faith journey, her heart journey in such a vulnerable way, that you can't help but be inspired.
Kelley's Break Room This girl makes me laugh. Hard. I knew from the moment I saw the header on her blog, we would be BFFs. Now, she might not realize yet that we are BFFs, so please don't spill the beans... Also, she may be the FUNNIEST person on the Twitter. You please tell me someone funnier. I dare ya.
Jon Acuff's Blog What kind of a blog name is that? The only way it could be any better would be to call it: Jon Acuff's blog, written by Jon Acuff. Oh, but good gravy dee...does he ever write a good blog. Practically every post he writes here is so inspirational that you either want to cry, sing a ballad, or write a book. You think I'm exaggerating? Well, read it and weep, my friend.
Stuff Christians Like SCL...Like SNL, only less embarassing to watch(read) sitting next to your parents. Personally, I like to read this blog so I can keep up with the latest things, you know, that Christians like. I am totally a cutting-edge Christian like that. If you want funny, with some truth mixed in, this is the place to go. Also in book version, for you Ex Libris snobs...
Right Where We Belong Karen comments regularly over here, and I always appreciate her thoughtful and kind words. Her love for her pets is always evident on her blog. I especially love reading her What We Learned this Week feature. I always learn something from that post, too!