I don't know if you've struggled with poison ivy before, but if you have--listen up! I have a miracle remedy for you!!
Just recently, my daughter came home from summer camp with a case of poison ivy. She was pretty miserable...until we discovered the miracle!
Oh--but first--let's chat about prevention.
Poison Ivy Prevention
From the research I've found online, and from my husband, who always follows #1 and #2 below, these are the top 3 things you can do to help prevent poison ivy:
1. After coming into contact with poison ivy, or even after working in the yard, you should always wash with a dish soap. And by wash, I mean you need to take a shower and use the dish soap all over. Because poison ivy is spread from the oil of the plant, the "de-greasing" action of dish soap is much more effective than regular bath soap.
2. Throw the clothes you wore into the washing machine, and start the load immediately. If you start the load immediately, you are less likely to reach in later, and come into contact with the poison ivy clothes.
3. A common way poison ivy is spread is from the fur of your pets. When your animal runs through a poison ivy plant, the oil sticks to the fur. When you reach down to pet your sweet dog, or your dog rubs against your bare legs--the oil is transferred to you. After walking your dog, or you suspect he has gotten into some poison ivy, why not wipe down Fido's fur with a towel when you get home? Of course, be sure to wash that towel immediately.
All right--those are simple ways to prevent poison ivy. But, what about that MIRACLE REMEDY once you've already gotten poison ivy???
Poison Ivy Scratchers--I present to you: Zanfel!!!
Zanfel is a brand new over-the-counter product for Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Sumac. Zanfel is also a FIRST of its kind--It treats the CAUSE of the Poison Ivy, and NOT JUST THE SYMPTOMS!
(By the way, Zanfel is not paying me to brag on them...although I sure wish they were! I'm just excited about it because it WORKS!)
Please check the Zanfel site to find out all about it, but let me just tell you how it worked for my daughter. Especially at bedtime, when Rebecca's itching was uncomfortable, I read the Zanfel directions, and applied it to all of her Poison Ivy "spots." I know it is important to follow the directions implicitly--in the amount to use, and the duration of time.
Using the Zanfel was like using an exfoliant scrub. I "scrubbed" the exact amount of Zanfel briskly around on each spot until Rebecca said it stopped itching. Then, according to the directions, Rebecca thoroughly rinsed off the remaining Zanfel. She was amazed at how quickly the itching stopped!
There were a couple of the spots that still itched the next day. We just used more Zanfel on those spots, doing the same "scrubbing" and washing. That 2nd application did the trick!
Now, I am certainly no doctor, and I am sure some cases of Poison Ivy may require a doctor visit...but for us, Zanfel was an easy MIRACLE REMEDY for an uncomfortable case of itchy Poison Ivy! (For a severe case, I would go straight to the doctor and get the miracle shot!)
There is a downside, though. Zanfel is expensive. Brace yourselves... You may pay anywhere between $25-35 for a 1-ounce tube. (eBay seems to be a good place to buy. Or if you need it right away, head to Walmart!) We still have half a tube left after treating Rebecca. That was money well-spent, in my opinion! Plus, I have some ready for our next round...
Now, I'm not trying to be bossy...but if you struggle with Poison Ivy, I suggest you go right now and purchase some Zanfel. Cause if you don't--well, then don't come around here belly-achin' about your poor itchy arms and legs. Because me and my non-itchy legs will have no sympathy for you!
Have you ever struggled with a nasty case of Poison Ivy?
Do you know any other miracle remedies?
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