The Duggar family is in the national news again. Tuesday morning on the Today Show, Michelle revealed that she is three-and-a-half months pregnant with her 20th child.
I have seen a LOT of reactions to Michelle's pregnancy announcement already--in e-mails, texts, and Facebook. Frankly, most of the reactions I've seen have been negative. Things like,
"Why in the WORLD would she want another baby?"
"Those poor older kids now have another child to help take care of."
"She's too old to have another baby."
"That's just selfish to bring another baby into the world...especially when there are so many orphans in the world who need adopting."
While I totally understand each of those sentiments, I want to be careful here. As I've gotten older, I have learned a lesson the HARD WAY about judging someone's choice.
I have learned...
To wait, before speaking. Be quiet, listen, gather more information before speaking. So many times I have spoken out too quickly, and later regretted what I said.
Also, I have learned not to judge too quickly...especially without having walked in that person's shoes. I can't count the number of times I have harshly judged someone, only later to regret my harsh words when I realize I didn't know the whole story in the first place.
The Duggar family is a difficult family for me to judge harshly. As with every television star, all you have to do is wait a little while for true character to show. Look at the recent Kardashian wedding. It only took 72 days to answer everyone's nagging question about the over-the-top lavish wedding: Is this marriage for real, or is this all a big show for the ratings? 72 days later, I think we can guess the answer.
But, the Duggar family has stood the test of time for me. You might not care for their family planning beliefs or methods, and you might not agree with their homeschooling philosophy, or their no television, no dating standards. You might even find their show completely unexciting--since everyone seems to get along, and nobody's yelling or losing it.
But, what none of us has seen is a family scandal. This is a big family that has spent hours and hours, and over 5 years in front of television cameras, and not one scandal has surfaced. Not one time have we seen a hint of the family not practicing what they're preaching. I'm not saying that a scandal won't ever happen. But, so far--all of the kids seem well-spoken and happy, and seem to believe what they are saying to the cameras.
And I have to admit--every single time I hear Michelle answer questions meant to be controversial, or meant to stump her--every time I am impressed with her answer. That doesn't mean I always agree. Because I don't. But, her answers always seem sincere, well thought-out, and most of all--humble.
Humble. That's a big one for me. I can't think of ONE other television star who has that quality like the Duggar family. Humility goes a long way for me. This is a family living out what they believe to be right and good, and besides living life in front of television cameras--they are leading quiet lives. Lives that are meant to show the world what they believe, rather than tell us.
So, cut to the chase. What do I think about Michelle Duggar getting pregnant with her 20th baby?
I sure wouldn't have 20 babies. Heck, I can barely handle 2. But, I respect Michelle Duggar. I don't want to trade places with her--but, given the opportunity, I'd LOVE to sit down with her and ask 100 questions about how she does it all, and even why.
Since I probably won't get to sit down with her and ask those questions, I'll continue watching her family from afar. I'll continue being impressed by her family's commitment to what they believe, and their graciousness and courage to continue answering questions meant only to ridicule those beliefs.
Why would I ridicule a woman trying to live out her convictions? Isn't that how I want to live, too? Living out my own family's convictions with humility and grace. Maybe we're more alike than I think...
Okay. Your turn. What do YOU think?
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