You know how sometimes all the hustle and bustle, and all the busy-ness can put a real damper on the holiday spirit? Well, I am teetering dangerously close to that DAMPER. Now, I hate to start off this post full of FUN EVENTS so negatively, but I would be dishonest if I didn't tell you that I am EXHAUSTED and CRANKY tonight.
Note to self: This weekend was probably a little too full, a little too fun... I know I won't remember this next year, and I'm sure I'll be saying the SAME THINGS after this same weekend of fun events next year. But--think of this--next year you can say, "I told ya so!!"
So, now that we have all my crankiness and negativity out in the open, let's commence with the FUN WHIRLWIND that we got caught up in!
Our main event this weekend was celebrating Miss Sara Beth's 7th birthday!! 7??? Where is my little baby girl who loved to be snuggled all day long? Where is my little pumpkin pie, my little snuggle bunny, my sugar bear? I have to say...she is still all of those things--and so much more. What a gift she is to our family!
Just like every birthday around our house, we started off the morning with presents and breakfast in bed. I always love the bed-head birthday pictures.
How about a little red and green sprinkle donut for breakfast? Yummm.
After presents and breakfast, we got dressed and headed to Rebecca's voice concert. Her sweet voice teacher had a little Christmas concert for her students. Aren't they just the cutest singers ever?
Here are Rebecca and Madeline singing their duet. Wow, these girls sure are growing up. Would I be shameful if I told you that I think they both have beautiful voices? Okay, then--I won't tell you...
Next, we grabbed some lunch and headed to Sara Beth's BIRTHDAY PARTY!!! Woo Hoo! Sara Beth's smart mama talked her into a bowling party! I have to say--a bowling party is the EASIEST party we've had yet!!! I feel like the kids all had a fun time, and--literally--the party ran itself.
Oh, and this picture? That's Sara Beth being a stinker, and holding up every finger combination except 7.
There's the birthday girl all ready to bowl some strikes!
Seriously--these were a FUN group of kids!
And here is the family! I just love that BOTH sets of Sara Beth's grandparents were there. (Don't know why Grandpa isn't in the picture...) Also, my sister and brother-in-law being there just made me h-a-p-p-y!!
My new favorite party favor: Decorated sugar cookies made by Kim Mitrenga! If you don't live in Branson, you may not know about these sugar cookies...and I'm sorry for that... These sugar cookies not only are PRETTY, but they TASTE AMAZING, and are VERY REASONABLY priced.
Ah, good friends make a birthday party EVEN BETTER!! I must be honest, though...these girls were in some serious bowling competition. I do believe there was even some money wagered...and lost... But, I won't mention any names...
And here are all the CUTIE PIE kids!! Seriously--have you ever seen sweeter kids? This picture was snapped right AFTER we made all the kids stop holding the 50-lb bowling balls OVER their heads. We sure didn't need any head injuries... That would have put a real cramp in the rest of our fun weekend plans, ya know.
And here is the whole group--including most of the adults. I'm so glad Carissa is bossy and reminds me to take pictures like these! Where would my scrapbook be without Carissa telling me to snap pictures...?
Now, right here you are going to have to use your IMAGINATION. Because, for some reason, I did not take any pictures of the next TWO events. We went to a very fun couples Christmas party Saturday night, and a very fun Sunday school party Sunday afternoon. If I could sum up both events, I would say these words: Yummy food + good friends + laughter = good for the last event... We capped off the weekend with a birthay dinner for a dear friend.
Whew! Are you worn out yet? I sure am! But, my belly are full.
What made your heart and belly full this weekend?