Let's start our day with some giggles. My friend Dawn recently sent me a link to The Honest Toddler blog, and my life has not been the same since. Or, maybe, I've just giggled a LOT since then. And also read tons of The Honest Toddler OUT LOUD to my husband...when he's lying down and trying to go to sleep. Poor husband, it's hard to understand the words I'm reading when I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. So, go read. And tell little toddler baby that Dawn sent ya.
(Insert awkward transition here. Wipe that grin off ya face, sister, we're getting serious now.)
Sometimes, when I get too focused on myself, and my stress, and my needs, and my-my-my...I like to click on Katie Davis' blog to get some real perspective. Such a great reminder to look outside myself, and really see the others around me--the opportunities all around me to make a difference. (This is the same Katie Davis that wrote the amazing, life-changing book Kisses from Katie.)
How about I leave you good people with some 4th of July inspiration as you head into the weekend... All of these projects seem do-able, super cute, and not too complicated--my favorite kinds of projects!!
Source: livinglocurto.com via Danielle on Pinterest
Mason jars for drinking? Check
Bandanas for napkins? Check
Aluminum retro tray for cuteness? Check
Possibly the most awesome table setting ever? Check CHECK.
Source: thehighheeledhostess.com via Stacie on Pinterest
You want an EASY recipe for the YUMMIEST ice cream ever??? Here's the world-famous recipe for Dr. Pepper ice cream...or as my friend Jenn calls it--Dr. Pepper Passion!
Source: marythekay.typepad.com via MarytheKay on Pinterest
What a FUN idea for kids to decorate the yard for the 4th! Kids decorating AND having fun at the same time? This is the FUTURE of another HGTV generation, people. I love it!
Source: pinkandgreenmama.blogspot.com via Annie on Pinterest
Oh my goodness gracious! This recipe is CALLING MY NAME. I will be making this one SOON.
Source: witandwhistle.com via MarytheKay on Pinterest
Twizzlers on the 4th? Why, YES, thank you!! Adorable.
Source: pinterest.com via Judy on Pinterest
All right ye good people of the weekend variety: Go ye forth and prepare to celebrate the Fourth.
May the Fourth be with you. Alwayths.
What are your plans for the Fourth?