Because I have another helpful magic trick for ya today!
However, technically, I've already told you. Weren't you listening?
Last year, I stumbled on an amazing You Tube video of the cutest guy teaching all the world how to de-silk ears of corn. Even though I was blown away by his trick, I never actually tried it...until this week.
And guess what? It works AMAZINGLY!!!! Plus, it is EASY-BREEZY!
First, you microwave the untrimmed corn on the cob for 4 minutes per ear. (I microwaved 2 at a time on top of a paper towel)
Carefully, and with oven mitts, pull the cooked corn out of the microwave and place on a cutting board.
Cut off the end of the corn--the base--about an inch from the bottom
Then, carefully, slide off the husks. You'll see--the corn will come out perfectly silk-free!
It's MAGIC!!!
Just in case you never saw the amazing You Tube tutorial the first time--you have to watch! Here 'tis:
(Click on this link if you can't see the video below)
Now, go ye forth and SHUCK SOME CORN!