This picture pretty much sums up what I did all weekend long.
Well, this and also hacking up my right lung. And going to the kitchen every 4-5 hours to refill on Robitussin DM, Sudafed, and Motrin. And freshen up my icy cold water with the bendy straw. (Gotta have the bendy straw when you're on death's doorstep.)
I also like to call this photo: Parenting from the sick chair. Note Sara Beth's doll, pillow, and blankets. That's what she did today in lieu of schoolwork. That, and a little educational documentary viewing on Netflix. Or maybe, not always that educational... (DC Cupcakes counts as educational, though, right?)
Before I curled up in my deathbed chair, I did go to a fun birthday party Friday night. The highlight of the party was when I ground a chocolate cupcake into my friend's carpet. Nice, huh? You really can't take me anywhere. Now, I don't know why my friend had a chocolate cupcake sitting facedown on the carpet in the first place, but leave it to me to step on it, and then proceed to leave chocolate footprints across the house all the way to the kitchen sink. Kind of like Hansel and Gretel--leave a trail of chocolate frosting so you can find the guilty dingbat.
Oh, but wait. Back to my infirmed state of coughing and dying and asking my children to bring me stuff to my sick chair. I used my chair time wisely, and watched an entire miniseries in 2 days. If you like Downton Abby, then listen up!! I have had The Forsyte Saga in my Netflix Instant Que for ages, but never felt in the mood to watch it. Oh boy, oh boy, was it just what the doctor ordered for a sick weekend!
Hey--and you math people, please do not add up the number of hours that are in this miniseries. I just know I watched a LOT of episodes, and even started talking to my children in a British accent. I also cried several times throughout. Just in case you use my recommendation to watch it, please understand that it is PG, and I wouldn't let my 12-year-old watch some of the scenes, if ya know what I mean. But, Mom and Dad, I totally fast-forwarded those parts.
Okay, are y'all tired of me rambling now? I sure hope so, because it's time to get back to my sick chair.
What are all you healthy people up to this week? Oh, and here's my public service announcement: If you haven't gotten your flu shot, I would suggest GETTING ONE. This flu stuff really STINKS.