I just love a weekend with family.
This past weekend was everything I love about weekends--laid back, with family (could have been better if EVERYONE was there!!!), happy kids, beautiful weather, some good old fashioned late-night television watching with my sister, and some yummy food.
Well. I guess I should end this post now. Because, what else is to tell? I've already told everything we did this weekend in one simple sentence.
Too bad that I can never be that brief when describing something. 'Cause y'all KNOW I hafta tell more!
I just cannot help myself.
Let me tell you how we started the weekend. Better yet--let me SHOW you:
Amen. And Aaaaaa-men.
A belated birthday cake from the world universe-famous Rick's Bakery in Fayetteville, AR. Okay, who knows if the Martians know about Rick's... But, in case you guys haven't heard me rave about Rick's amazing baked goods, I'll just tell you--his cakes and cookies are dee-licious!
And, the fact that my cake has fairy sparkles sprinkled on top just makes me h-a-p-p-y!
After over-dosing on sugary birthday cake, the cousins put on their swimsuits quicker than you can say, "DON'T RUN IN THE HOTEL HALLWAY!!! AND QUIT SCREAMING ON THE ELEVATOR!!" and headed to their grandparents' hotel pool for some swim time. The ladies (my mom, sister, and I) took one for the team and sat in the 100% hot and muggy pool room and chatted happily.
We rounded up the worn out, but still hyper kids and headed to my sister's house for the night. After finally getting the kids all snuggled into beds, the adults retired to recliners and the cozy couch. My sister always has great stuff DVR'ed for my visits, and we always look forward to this time of night! We love to watch and chat, watch and chat, and chat and chat and chat. Sometimes until 2:30am!! Yikes. But, I will admit that a very late night sure makes the next day's afternoon nap on the couches that much sweeter!
You know what else makes an afternoon nap sweeter? A big ole' slice of Rick's birthday cake right beforehand. That way, the sugar crash leads you right into naptime. Per-fection!
On Saturday, there was a little shopping, with a little "WHERE is my wallet???" mixed in at the Justice checkout counter, followed by a little, "Will you please HOLD these things while I go home to retrieve the wallet that SOMEONE took out of my purse this morning?"
Are you detecting any frustration there? I have no idea why! Because who wouldn't just love to fight the long line of glazed-eyed parents holding hoochie-mama sparkly sweats and flashdance shirts that their lip glossed daughters have begged them for?
Oh, but wait! I said this weekend was laid-back. And it was. Just a momentary lapse--that a yummy lunch of chicken salad and tortilla soup at Jason's Deli can't take care of.
(See! I TOLD YOU that I cannot tell a brief description of my weekend! Next thing you know I'll be telling you WHAT WE ATE. Oh yeah...just did that! Check.)
Saturday night was a Moriah Peters and Tenth Avenue North concert. Dave took Rebecca and her cousin to see Moriah. If you don't know about Moriah--please check her out! She is WONDERFUL!!! She is an up-and-coming Christian singer, who has an AMAZING voice.
AND an amazingly sweet personality. She and Rebecca met at a small event last year, and ever since, she has been like a big sister. She encourages our girls, and even contacts them when she is giving a concert nearby.
This time was no exception to her kindness and encouragement. She asked our girls to come early Saturday to see her. Once Rebecca got there, she got to help Moriah set up her merchandise table, and ended up working her table all night long.
I don't know if you remember being 11 and 12 years old, but getting to work the "Merch Table" at a concert of a singer you love is HUGE!!!! Rebecca and her cousin came home afterwards just chattering away about the whole evening, telling us every single detail. Needless to say, they had an unforgettable night!
Of course, both girls came home with lots of concert goodies. Here's Rebecca--with her favorite item she brought home from the Merch Table: (No, no...NOT the head with the freakishly long neck!)
During the concert, Sara Beth and her "little brother" cousin chose to stay home. Us "homies" picked up some pizza and watched a fun movie (Journey to the Center of the Earth). We all snuggled 4-across on the couch, and giggled together at the funny parts of the movie.
Sunday, we went to church together, and then out to lunch. (I am going to refrain from telling you what we ate. You're welcome.)
I told my sister and brother-in-law that we were giving them a big gift--we were leaving right after lunch so they could get AFTERNOON NAPS. Nothing says "I love you" like leaving before naptime!
So, that's it. That's our weekend.
And my pitiful 4 pictures.
What did you do this past weekend?