I've spent a lot of time watching t.v. recently
Because, what's a girl to do when she's stuck in her sick chair for days and days and days?
And what's a girl to do when she runs out of Downton Abbey and Nashville and Parenthood episodes?
She turns to Netflix, that's what she does!
When you don't want to make a lifetime commitment to a new television series, and you don't feel like making an emotional commitment to a whole movie, let me tell you--Netflix Documentaries are the WAY TO GO.
Low commitment, and even a little educational to boot!
Learning while being entertained is my favorite emotion. (name that movie...sort-of)
So, since I am such a generous and giving person, I thought I'd share some of my recent favorite Netflix Documentaries.
(Netflix Documentary Disclaimer: Sometimes you have to be careful. Not all documentaries are exactly family-friendly. Some of them do not edit out ANY language. So, just be careful of the ones you watch as a family.)
Monica & David: A Love Story - This was--hands down--my FAVORITE documentary discovery!!! This is the true story of Monica and David, two young adults with Downs Syndrome, who decide to get married. The camera follows them around just before the wedding, and for a year after. This whole film made me grin like a big goober, and even made me tear up several times.
No Impact Man - Now, let me be clear here. I have no interest whatsoever to live with no carbon footprint. I know you earthy people and vegetarians would have a cow (or a big fat carrot or whatever you earth cookies say) at the way I live. I mean--I drink Coke out of styrofoam and don't feel a bit guilty! My way to "save the environment" while using disposable diapers was to wrap them really tight and small. But, all of that said, I was fascinated by this man's year-long experiment.
Waiting for Superman - Inspirational teacher movies make me cry every single time! I have the highest respect for teachers who give their lives loving students.
Hungry for Change - Now, again. Don't worry. I'm not about to turn vegetarian on ya. However, I thought this documentary about diet and food was so interesting. The best thing I took away from this was: Don't change your eating habits by restricting foods. Change by ADDING IN something good. Yesss! The more good you add in, the more your body will crave the good stuff, and the "bad stuff" will get crowded out.
Inside the Mind of Google - I actually have watched several of these industry documentaries...about Walmart, Target, etc. Watching this made me want to WORK for Google--at their home office! Free lunch in their amazing on-site restaurants! Free dry cleaning! Free child care! Sounds like a fun place to work. Plus, ya know, you get to spy on the whole world.
Word Wars (Bad Language alert!!!) - Who knew that there are people who play Scrabble professionally? People who spend all day--every day--playing Scrabble. There is a whole Scrabble culture out there that I didn't even know existed. It's not necessarily a culture I want to join in, but I sure did enjoy learning about it!
Susan Boyle an Unlikely Superstar - I enjoy learning about people's "stories." I've often wondered what happened to Susan Boyle after her instant rise to fame. Leave it to Netflix to answer all of my questions!
Have you seen any fascinating documentaries recently? Do tell!!