Today, I am keenly aware that because of this
and men like this
and men and women like this
and men and women who do this
Because of all of these things, I am GRATEFUL today...and every day...
Because of these things, our family proudly flies this on our house 365 days a year
Today, before I grill, before I picnic, before I enjoy time with friends...I want to spend some time PRAYING for the men and women who give their lives to protect our country. Without them, my life sure would look a lot different. I really don't take that for granted.
Please join me in praying for them. Let's also not forget all the families and loved ones they leave behind. Their gift to our country is every bit as great as the men and women overseas. I'm praying for them today, too.
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you have a family member or friend who is currently fighting for my freedom, I would LOVE IT if you would mention that person BY NAME in the Comments. I would be HONORED to pray for your loved one by name today...Thank you.
Thank you.
And God bless America!!
*(Reposted from Memorial Day, 2011)