Oh, dearest readers, I have so much to tell you!
And, because you KNOW I cannot seem to make any story short...*grin* I will go ahead and tell you my EXCITING NEWS ALL AT ONCE!!!! (Yes, I'm yelling! Or rather, squealing!!!!)
(Okay, now I can't decide which one to tell you first!!! Ha!!)
Like a big goober, I'll go in alphabetical order:
1. I AM A THIRD GRADE TEACHER!!!! An incredible new school in our community is starting a private classical elementary, and has chosen to entrust me with 18 precious third graders this fall!! I could not be more excited to be hired to do something I am passionate about. To have the privilege of inspiring and cheering my students to become world changers is a dream come true for me!
2. TODAY, I SUBMITTED A BOOK PROPOSAL for a book I am ghostwriting for my dear friend Riley Banks!!!!! Okay, I am actually refraining from posting the actual number of exclamation marks I am feeling right now. This is a very dignified blog, you know. I cannot wait to be able to share more of Riley's story with you! I am humbled to be given the task of writing her amazing story. And I promise to keep you posted along this wild book proposal ride!
Obviously, we have a LOT to catch up on!
I think the easiest way to begin telling you all about the past year would be to let you read about how my heart was being tugged last spring, and for the whole year before. (Click here to read it.) Re-reading the words I wrote over a year ago reminds me how--even on my craziest or darkest of days--God is always there, leading me through.
Last spring, I wondered whether I should keep writing this blog. I had hoped and dreamed of writing as a part-time job, but hadn't been able to accomplish that. My heart felt restless to create, yet I didn't understand how to make that happen.
During that time, Dave and I spent countless weekly lunch dates at our favorite BBQ restaurant (Danna's, of course!) dreaming about our future. His job was stressful, and he felt like God was stirring his heart as well. We talked and dreamed about how our family could best spend our days making a difference. Looking back, it's easy to see how God was working in each of our hearts. But at the time, we felt like we were doing a whole lot of talking, dreaming, and praying...and not much hearing.
How fitting that we finally heard something last fall while sitting at our favorite BBQ restaurant. Or rather, that's where we received the text that changed our lives.
...to be continued.
Okay, enough for today. I've jammed the exclamation point key on my keyboard, so I'd better call the technician. (Or...maybe I just need a nap...since I only got a short nap last night...)
Hugs all around!!! ARM PUNCHES!!!!!!!!