You want funny? Oh, I've got funny, all right.
As you're reading some of my favorite funny selections below, please keep the following in mind:
1. I think I am way funnier than anyone else does.
2. If people laugh at me, I will continue doing that thing that makes them laugh, until the laughing stops. Completely.
3. In any given setting, I am always the loudest laugher in the room. (It's scientifically proven.)
4. If loud laughter, dorky joke-telling, or junior high humor annoys you, please, for the love of God, avoid me at all costs.
Getting Naked at the Doctor's Office
Household Hazards of Wearing Flip Flops...a Public Service Announcement
Household Hazards of Wearing the Scarf...a Public Service Announcement
Non-Huggers of the World--Unite!
That time in high school when I matched my bedroom
If William and Kate had a Wedding Shower in the South
The time I was wrong about the fried okra samples
Top Ten Reasons New Year's is NOT the Time to Start a Diet (guest post)
Dear Aisle 1 at Walmart (guest post)
People Google the Strangest Things (to land on my blog)
TOP TEN Reasons it *may* be time to go back on The Zoloft
TOP TEN Things that Shouldn't Surprise you as a Parent
The One Where my Daughter Follows my Instructions