Okay, I know I may be in the minority. But, my husband and I still watch Survivor. It seems like lately when I ask people if they watch Survivor, they usually pause and say, "Uh, I used to--the first or second season, like 10 YEARS AGO! Well, I guess that makes my husband and me loyal kind of folks--because we're still watching!
Last night was the Season Finale of Survivor's 20th Season--in my opinion, the best season yet. To commemorate this 20th season, the show's creators made a brilliant decision. They brought back some of the show's most LOVED players, along with some of the most HATED players. They dubbed them the Heroes vs. the Villains. The name alone set up the supreme drama--that played itself out in conniving, lying, and often hilarious scenarios.
In other words--a perfect recipe for REALITY TELEVISION.
Now, I know many of you are shaking your heads right now, saying, "That's exactly why I DON'T watch reality t.v." But for me, a LOVER of people-watching, communication styles, and group dynamics--it is the IDEAL classroom. See? I can even make Survivor sound educational.
If you did watch Survivor this season, I am guessing you were cheering right along with me for some of my personal favorite true-life heroes like Tom the 9/11 NYC fireman--you don't get more hero than that, or Rupert, the grizzled teddy bear that both laughs and growls with the same passion, and J.T., the good ole Southern country boy that you can't help but like.
And if those were the Heroes you loved, you probably also hated and yelled at the television screen at some of the Villains like Boston Rob, whose accent and trademark Boston Redsox hat almost made you forget about his conniving strategy. Or Coach, I mean The Dragon Slayer, who gave CBS the most inspiring, laughably creative quotes in the history of Survivor. It almost pains me to mention Parvati, the biggest flirt in Survivor's history. I've saved the best for last--because truly, he is the most influential, conniving player in Survivor history. Russell, good ole Houston oilman with a silver tongue (albeit tarnished) and a dagger hidden behind his back. People might have hated Russell, but they couldn't help but be amazed by his artful strategy. Somehow, the strategy he put into play, continued to be followed Tribal Council after Tribal Council. How many surprise endings did my husband and I cry out in shock to our television, "NO WAY!!!"
Well, I could go on and on with my commentary on my favorite and most hated Survivor characters. But, that might really bore you non-Survivor watchers. Oh heck, who am I kidding? Are any of you non-Survivor watchers even still reading? Anyone? Hello? Is ANYONE still reading? Make a noise so I know someone is still here...
Well, if any of you non-Survivor fans still ARE reading, you will be pleased to know...that I understand Survivor is not real. As much as I love the drama and scheming, I realize how much of the show smacks of editing and scripting. To prove to you that I understand your skepticism, I will make a list of 10 things that smudge the magic just a tiny little bit for me...
The TOP 10 WAYS Survivor is NOT Like Real Life:
10. Something I noticed a couple of years ago, and it has driven me crazy since: Teeth. Have you noticed how perfect the contestants' teeth are? Do they all get treated to last-minute dental aesthetics before dropping them on the deserted island? Or do the contestants all use whitening strips at bedtime in their falling-down bamboo pole shelters?
9. Eyebrows...I don't know about you, ladies, but if I go even a week without my trusty tweezers, my eyebrows do not look half as good as the Survivor ladies stranded for 39 days. I wonder how one applies for that Survivor Eyebrow Waxing Job? I'm sure, though, that person also has to be skilled in Male Facial Hair Grooming as well.
8. Do you think the ever-lovable host Jeff Probst has to practice the words that EVERY seasoned Survivor fan quotes along with him week after week, "Come on in, guys!"
7. The girls...Every woman knows what I am about to rant about, don't you? This is the single reason I would ever stop watching Survivor. I get sick and tired of seeing the flesh of the young girls. I'm sure the producers are mindful that skin SELLS. It just doesn't sell TO ME. UGH.
6. Which brings me to the next point. Do the silly young women not know that ALL women back home play the game, "Real or Not Real?" It's just so obvious, young ladies. Leave a little something to the imagination, and we might not know your surgical little secret...
5. In real life we rarely get to explain our motives in little cameo appearances. Oh how I wish we could... Wouldn't it be great to be able to explain away those difficult moments in nice little video edited cameos, and have all of America's empathy and cheers?
4. When life gets too difficult to handle, we don't have the luxury of being voted off the island. We have to stick it out, and keep running the course. Nope, no Ponderosa for us with the island's best chef making tasty desserts while we wait out the game.
3. Sometimes you root for the villains. I NEVER root for the villains in real life...so WHY was I rooting so hard for Russell to win? I wouldn't get within 30 feet of Russell in real life, cause I'm scairt a him. But, for some strange reason, millions of miles away, and in my safe little living room, I found myself rooting for him.
2. How many times have I wished to have a great SOUNDTRACK showcasing my exciting and tragic moments. I think great music like this would make all of my exciting moments so much more EXCITING, and my tragic moments that much more DRAMATIC, don't you?
1. Wouldn't it be great to have a Jeff Probst in your life...telling you when it was okay to "Come on in, guys!" or as an encouraging bystander who cheers out in moments of trials, "Survivors ready?" And most of all, when your days are coming to an end, wouldn't it be nice to have a dimple-cheeked Jeff Probst kindly letting you know when "The tribe has spoken" ?
Now, it's back to my turn again...How is Survivor sometimes LIKE real life?
Or, in other words, How does Survivor un-smudge, and make the MAGIC SPARKLE for me?
This season, in the end, evil did NOT triumph. The good did. The loyal triumphed. The one who was straight-forward, and transparent about her strategy won not only the hearts of her peers, but their votes as well. Honesty whooped up on unscrupulous, and sent him packing (and without a hat!) The wife of the American soldier currently fighting for our freedom--came out grinning, marching to the band, and waving her one million dollar check.
Hallelujah, and pass the remote! It's time for the news. Amen.